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Immaculate Conception/St. Bridget’s Parish is a community of multicultural believers drawn together by our faith in Jesus Christ. We worship God through prayerful and inspiring liturgies. We are a Roman Catholic Community with African American traditions. Most parishioners live outside of our immediate parish area but travel by many churches to get to this one. The Church membership is of African American, Latino, Caribbean, African and European cultures. We invite the Holy Spirit to come in and know we’ve come this far by faith. We are a small but close knit Christian community with heart felt worship, honest friendships and compassionate care for those in need. When you join us for prayer and worship you will find that we are warm, open and welcoming to all.
Parish Council
George Fontenette (trustee), Myrtle Fontenette (staff), Joanne Gordon, Ramona Moore, Keith Parris, Harry Pierre-Philippe (staff), Vincent Stroud (chair). Meetings are generally, the first Saturday of the month - September to June
Rev. Raymond Fleming
Richard Rall
Myrtle Fontenette
Harry Pierre-Philippe
Religious Education Coordinators
Carol Wynne
Regional Finance Director
Jeanne Engelbrecht
Regional Business Manager
Kevin David
Facilities Director
Vasyl Danylyshyn
Tracy Jordan
Executive Assistant
Vincent Stroud
Pastoral Council Chair
Joanie Fraver
Finance Council Chair
Neffee Pinnock Smith
Music Director
Become a Member
We look forward to your visit and hope that you will decide to make our church your home by becoming an active member. We have a small but active parish for all ages. Our youth are active in all aspects of our liturgy: children’s liturgy of the word, youth choir, liturgical dance, ushers, and lectors. The adult faith formation includes Bible Study, Hospitality, Social Ministries, RCIA, men’s group and a newly formed adult liturgical dance team. Please pick up a registration form located in the rear of the church or call the church office to register.