Watch ICSB's weekly Sunday Mass Live Stream at 9 a.m. by clicking here.


Immaculate Conception/St. Bridget's has a choir. Join our powerful choir and make a joyful noise onto the Lord.
Contact our office at

The ministry of liturgical dance is very important to our parish. We are actively looking for a passionate director of liturgical dance. If interested, please contact us at

Bible Study
Join us every Tuesday from 1-3pm for bible study and fellowship at the church rectory. Please check CALENDAR as events and holidays may cancel Bible Study!

Altar Servers are invited to participate in the liturgical celebration, and assist the priest during the Mass. They are expected to be appropriately prepared, and committed to giving their time and talent to their parish community. They should be able to understand the Eucharistic celebration and the other sacred rites. Training is provided.
Time Commitment: During Mass and clean up, when assigned on a rotating basis.

Eucharistic Ministers: assist the Priest at the time of Communion in the distribution of the Most Precious Body and Blood of Jesus. This ministry is open to adult members of the parish who have been confirmed. They are assigned to this ministry by the pastoral administrator, and ministers serve on a rotating basis.

This group of volunteers oversee the development and implementation of special liturgy's throughout the year in coordination with our pastoral administrator. The committee also shapes and increase participation and understanding of our liturgy's through reviewing, planning and implementing various aspects of our service.

The Sacristan is responsible for preparing the altar for the Mass and assisting the Priest during Mass. Appointment by Pastoral Administrator.